
Your trusted pregnancy guide

Project overview

An intuitive app designed to support pregnant women every step of the way. From tracking milestones to personalized health tips, see how we crafted a user-friendly experience that keeps moms-to-be informed, connected, and empowered throughout their pregnancy journey.

my role

Product design, user research, interaction design, visual design, wireframing and prototyping.

The problem

Many pregnancy apps provide too much generic content, which can make it difficult for users to find relevant information when they need it most.

The goal

Design a user-friendly, personalized experience that filters and delivers the right pregnancy tips, health advice, and milestones based on the user's specific stage, health profile, and preferences.

User interviews

I carried out user interviews to get a better understanding of what pregnant women actually go through and what they need from an app. Talking to first-time moms who feel overwhelmed, busy working moms balancing it all, and moms who love tracking data gave me valuable insights into their challenges and preferences. Hearing their personal stories and frustrations helped me identify key areas where my app could make a real difference. These interviews are a crucial part of making sure the app is practical, helpful, and truly meets the needs of its users.

Research goals

The goal of conducting user interviews was to better understand the specific pain points, needs, and expectations of pregnant women using digital tools, allowing me to design a product that directly addresses their challenges.

creation of user personas

Based on initial research, I identified five key personas—ranging from the overwhelmed first-time mom to the data-driven second-time mom. I conducted interviews to gather deeper insights into their unique experiences.

Key Insights from User Interviews
  • Overwhelmed first time moms often feel lost in a sea of conflicting advice and prefer apps that offer simple, step-by-step guidance.
  • Data driven moms desire more advanced tracking features and app integrations to monitor both their health and their baby's development.
  • High risk moms seek reassurance and personalized content that reflects their unique medical circumstances without overwhelming them.
  • Busy working moms need a streamlined, efficient experience that fits into their fast-paced lifestyles.
Pain points
  • First time moms often feel lost in a sea of conflicting advice and prefer apps that offer simple, step-by-step guidance.
  • Struggle to find time for long articles or complex features.
  • Multiple apps to track health, symptoms, and baby development, creating inconvenience.
  • Hard to get reliable, expert advice in online groups, leading to frustration.
  • Simplified guidance – Provide clear, step-by-step advice for first-time moms, focusing on essential information without overwhelming them.
  • Personalized health insights – Offer customized content and recommendations for high-risk pregnancies to provide reassurance and support.
  • Quick view dashboards – Design a simple, time-efficient dashboard for busy moms that consolidates all critical information in one place.
  • All in one tracking – Create a seamless experience with comprehensive tracking features that integrate health data, symptoms, and baby progress.
  • Expert led communities – Incorporate a trusted community space with expert input to provide reliable and helpful advice for social moms.
Impact on design decisions

Based on feedback from busy working moms, I designed a quick-view dashboard that consolidates all essential information in one place, reducing the need to navigate through multiple screens. By understanding that high-risk moms are looking for more personalized and reassuring content, I designed features that offer custom health insights and emergency contact buttons for added peace of mind.

User personas

I’ve created user personas to better understand the different types of pregnant women who might use my app. These personas represent a range of users, from first-time moms feeling overwhelmed, to busy working moms, and tech-savvy second-time moms who love tracking data. By exploring their goals, frustrations, and habits, I can design a product that speaks directly to their needs.

Competitor analysis

This competitive analysis looks at some of the top pregnancy apps to see how they compare in terms of features, user experience, pricing, and more. By examining what these apps do well and where they fall short, I can identify opportunities to improve my own app and offer something unique. The table highlights key areas like community engagement, customization options, and content quality, helping me understand the market and how I can better meet users’ needs.

Design process





Reflection & Learnings



